Last June 15, 2008, my Grandson, Gabe was christened at the Santuario de Sn Antonio Parish in Forbes Park, Makati. Friends, relatives and our families from both sides attended this great event as we witnessed and celebrated Gabe's entry to the Christian World. Throughout the baptism rite, my grandson, Gabe neither protested nor showed any sign of annoyance to the long tedious oration of the Priest. He was, however enjoying every minute of the ceremony by gazing attentively and alternately to his Mom and Dad and especially to the Priest whose big baritone voice dominated the whole room perhaps enjoying every word what he said. He waved his hands playfully or stretching both his feet continously as a sign of enjoyment seeing many people around him. I heard from my lovely wife, Edith that Babylin was telling Gabe seriously in the morning of that day while taking his bath. Babylin was gesturing her finger to Gabe while he looked directly at his Mom attentively. "Gabe I want you to behave well in the Church. Don't make the Priest angry." "Don't cry and make the visitors happy by smiling and greeting them." Babylin admonished to his son while enjoying the water in the tub.
Last June 15, 2008, my Grandson, Gabe was christened at the Santuario de Sn Antonio Parish in Forbes Park, Makati. Friends, relatives and our families from both sides attended this great event as we witnessed and celebrated Gabe's entry to the Christian World. Throughout the baptism rite, my grandson, Gabe neither protested nor showed any sign of annoyance to the long tedious oration of the Priest. He was, however enjoying every minute of the ceremony by gazing attentively and alternately to his Mom and Dad and especially to the Priest whose big baritone voice dominated the whole room perhaps enjoying every word what he said. He waved his hands playfully or stretching both his feet continously as a sign of enjoyment seeing many people around him. I heard from my lovely wife, Edith that Babylin was telling Gabe seriously in the morning of that day while taking his bath. Babylin was gesturing her finger to Gabe while he looked directly at his Mom attentively. "Gabe I want you to behave well in the Church. Don't make the Priest angry." "Don't cry and make the visitors happy by smiling and greeting them." Babylin admonished to his son while enjoying the water in the tub.
Gabe was so engrossed by the occasion that he was well behaved thoughout that whole afternoon and even at the reception when guests would greet and gave him gifts. He smiled whenever he can or just looking at everyone with a welcome wink in his eyes. He never slept and showed any exhaution as normal babies do. I recorded a video in full length of the ceremony in 13 minutes and I was amazed that Gabe never showed any sign of irritation throughout the ceremony. All of us were so happy for my Grandson, Gabe. He is a big joy to all of us and I am so proud of him being my first grandchild. A bouncing baby boy with full zest of life and ready to face the world. What a nice start for a baby boy to be loved so much by everyone that I can see a good future for him.
After the ceremony, the reception was held at the second floor of the Parish Center, Social Hall beside the Church. My daughters, Agz and Aui acted as emcees to a short program prepared by Babylin. A short opening prayer was read by Stephen, Babylin's seven year old nephew followed by some short greetings from guests and the families from both sides. A sumptuous buffet with various appetizing dishes were prepared at the far end of the hall. Many guests especially friends of Ponchie and Babylin came over enjoying the occasion. I prayed to God to bless my Grandson, Gabe, protecting him and guide him as he grow up. I also prayed that he will be a good Christian obeying His commandments. God will bless Alfonso Gabrielo, my Grandson, Amen.
Little Gabe with his Mom and Dad.
My Grandson, Gabe's baptism rites at the Church.
The pouring of the Holy Water on Gabe's forehead.
Gabe with his relatives from both sides of his Mom and Dad.
Edith, Aui, Agz, Nat-Nat, Minda and Janno.
At the reception with friends and relatives.
Gabe gave out his continuous many first laughs that I uploaded to the You Tube at six months old. It was a success for the whole family to witness these series of laughs when Gabe rarely smiled before to most of us.